by | | Blog, Collaboration Digest, Communication, Uncategorized
Is your next star team member an AI colleague? Hans Gärtner, Radical-Inclusion The landscape of AI in the workplace is evolving so rapidly that any discussion of its impact needs a timestamp. Since ChatGPT’s launch in November 2022, we’ve witnessed...
by | | Blog, Communication, Remote Teams, Strategic Alignment, Trust, Virtual Leadership
I had the pleasure to talk to Silvia Muller from Privilege+ about what leaders and employees can do to keep having meaningful interactions remotely. Online, you have to consciously make space for informal moments and for social conversations to happen. Be transparent,...
by | | Communication, Facilitation, Remote Teams
What to do when your remote co-worker does not deliver Modern work requires you to work with others. Whether you are working in a company, in a small business or as a freelancer, at the very least you have to work with your client, in most cases with more people. On...
by | | Communication, Facilitation, Virtual Leadership
Intercultural communication has been a topic in teams and organisations for quite some time. Still, in recent years the situation has changed and now requires a different approach to dealing with cultural differences. Until only a few years ago, most members of a team...
by | | Communication, Strategic Alignment
Im Rahmen eines Beratertreffens mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen neulich in Hamburg hatte ich die Gelegenheit, über verteilte Organisations- und Teamsituationen zu diskutieren. Verteilt arbeitende und lebende Menschen arbeiten und kommunizieren hauptsächlich über...
by | | Communication, Strategic Alignment, Virtual Leadership
Im Post “Social is out” habe ich den derzeitigen Implementierungsstand der Social Business Aktivitäten in Organisationen zusammengefasst. Es zeigt sich, dass es in Unternehmen und anderen Organisation inzwischen eine Reihe von Aktivitäten mit sicher unterschiedlichen...