by | | Blog, Remote Teams, Strategic Alignment, Trust, Virtual Leadership
The way we work is changing fast. People feel more distant from each other and leaders are overwhelmed. The way to overcome separation and reduce overwhelm is to empower teams. Increase autonomy, foster transparency and promote inclusion. One path towards this new...
by | | Blog, Distance and Productivity, Remote Teams, Strategic Alignment, Trust, Virtual Meetings
Does Hartmut Rosa’s concept of resonance help to define criteria for successful communication in virtual and hybrid settings? Hans Gärtner, Radical-Inclusion Enabling Resonance I am aware that I am now treading on thin ice: Applying the concept of...
by | | Distance and Productivity, Hybrid Work, Trust, Virtual Leadership, Virtual Meetings
Hilft der Resonanzbegriff des SoziologenHartmut Rosa, Kriterien für gelingende Kommunikation in virtuellen und hybriden Settings zu definieren? Die Definitionsmerkmale sind eine Meta – Checkliste für das Design von Events, deren Wirkung über reine...
by | | Blog, Communication, Remote Teams, Strategic Alignment, Trust, Virtual Leadership
I had the pleasure to talk to Silvia Muller from Privilege+ about what leaders and employees can do to keep having meaningful interactions remotely. Online, you have to consciously make space for informal moments and for social conversations to happen. Be transparent,...
by | | Distanz und Produktivität, Trust, Uncategorized, Virtual Leadership
Führung über weite Entfernungen ist keine neue Herausforderung! Auch in Zeiten vor technischen Kommunikationsmedien gab es Kommunikation und Kollaborationsformen, die dafür sorgten, dass verteilte Organisationen funktionsfähig blieben. Die Mittel waren mündliche,...
by | | Blog, Trust, Virtual Leadership
For some time, we have been observing a general tendency within society to seek simple and clear-cut solutions to complex questions. And, when you think of trust in distributed teams, there seems to be a similar approach. The work situation in those teams is usually...