by | | Distanz und Produktivität, Remote Teams, Strategic Alignment, Virtual Leadership
Corona und das „New Normal“ Wir brauchen noch lange bis zur neuen Selbstverständlichkeit! Der Weg in nur halbwegs vertrautes Gebiet fängt erst an. Derzeit wird viel probiert und Praxiserfahrungen werden gesammelt. Wir müssen jetzt die speziellen Spielregeln erkennen,...
by | | Blog, Facilitation, Remote Teams, Virtual Leadership
For more than 10 years, I have been working virtually, as a consultant and as a user. The question of the difference between in-person and virtual collaboration has always had different facets: One is explorative “What can you do better in-person and what...
by | | Blog, Collaboration Tools, Remote Teams, Virtual Leadership
How we use tools and why we use them is more important than which tools we use In a recent post, I talked about the physical workspace of a remote worker. In this post, I want to talk about the virtual environment, the digital tools, that make up the other half of her...
by | | Blog, Trust, Virtual Leadership
For some time, we have been observing a general tendency within society to seek simple and clear-cut solutions to complex questions. And, when you think of trust in distributed teams, there seems to be a similar approach. The work situation in those teams is usually...
by | | Communication, Facilitation, Virtual Leadership
Intercultural communication has been a topic in teams and organisations for quite some time. Still, in recent years the situation has changed and now requires a different approach to dealing with cultural differences. Until only a few years ago, most members of a team...
by | | Communication, Strategic Alignment, Virtual Leadership
Im Post “Social is out” habe ich den derzeitigen Implementierungsstand der Social Business Aktivitäten in Organisationen zusammengefasst. Es zeigt sich, dass es in Unternehmen und anderen Organisation inzwischen eine Reihe von Aktivitäten mit sicher unterschiedlichen...