by | | Blog, Distance and Productivity, Remote Teams, Strategic Alignment, Trust, Virtual Meetings
Does Hartmut Rosa’s concept of resonance help to define criteria for successful communication in virtual and hybrid settings? Hans Gärtner, Radical-Inclusion Enabling Resonance I am aware that I am now treading on thin ice: Applying the concept of...
by | | Distance and Productivity, Hybrid Work, Trust, Virtual Leadership, Virtual Meetings
Hilft der Resonanzbegriff des SoziologenHartmut Rosa, Kriterien für gelingende Kommunikation in virtuellen und hybriden Settings zu definieren? Die Definitionsmerkmale sind eine Meta – Checkliste für das Design von Events, deren Wirkung über reine...
by | | Facilitation, Virtual Meetings
Ever heard of Death by Powerpoint? Even if you have not, you probably have sat in on presentations where the presenter uses presentation slides more to remind himself of the things he wanted to say than to help you understand his message. To me, the worst version of...
by | | Facilitation, Virtual Meetings
What YOU can do to make virtual meetings better for yourself Many remote workers spend much of their time in virtual meetings and conference calls. Many of these calls are not well organised nor are they properly facilitated, but what is worst, you can still have...
by | | Facilitation, Virtual Meetings
Many problems with virtual meetings arise from technical difficulties relating to internet connection, and audio and video quality. The most common problems can be...
by | | Facilitation, Virtual Meetings
Real time meetings are touch points for team members: they raise attention levels and focus energy. When I know that I have a meeting next Wednesday and that the team has agreed on some deliverables, this is usually something that has a considerable binding force....