Thought Corner
The development of competence in virtual collaboration emerges in small steps and involves many different areas. Read our blog posts on tools, processes, and facilitation methods.
How to get the attention of people who are far away
What to do when your remote co-worker does not deliver Modern work requires you to work with others. Whether you are working in a company, in a small business or as a freelancer, at the very least you have to work with your client, in most cases with more people. On...
Trust in remote teams: Three tools and the larger picture
For some time, we have been observing a general tendency within society to seek simple and clear-cut solutions to complex questions. And, when you think of trust in distributed teams, there seems to be a similar approach. The work situation in those teams is usually...
Remote teamwork is different! Should we care?
How is working remotely with others different from the co-located face-to-face settings we are used to? The main difference lies in the fact that projects have become very complex. As companies and organizations become international, project teams become more and more...
How to deal with intercultural issues in remote teams
The creation of more and more remote teams resulted in an internationalization of work culture. Getting intercultural communication right is as important as ever in this new context. This post describes the new situation and shares ways to deal with the issues that arise in remote teams.
Kommunikation auf Distanz: Nur lauter oder anders?
Im Rahmen eines Beratertreffens mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen neulich in Hamburg hatte ich die Gelegenheit, über verteilte Organisations- und Teamsituationen zu diskutieren. Verteilt arbeitende und lebende Menschen arbeiten und kommunizieren hauptsächlich über...
How technology changes work and employment
This digest presents a few articles that show some of the trade-offs and look at a few of the issues connected to technological change and the transformation it has brought about in our societies.
Social Business: Das Team ist der Star(t)!
Part 2 of the post Social is out – Business is in!
A number of elements can make social business initiatives more successful: a budget, consensus among management, and a critical mass of people to move the initiative along.
But what if these elements are not in place? Start with one team and help them solve their issue with enterprise 2.0 tools and processes. That gives you a story to tell how things can be different… a few teams and stories later, you might have enough to get critical mass for an organization-wide initiative.
Social is out – Business is in: Stand der Diskussion um das „Social Business“
In this German post, we review the state of the discussion on social business, often also referred to as enterprise 2.0. While much has been learned in recent years and more and more companies look at social business in a more strategic and systematic way there is, in our assessment, a tendency to focus on the desired outcomes of “social”, rather than enabling “social” and empower employees, clients and partners to do “social”.
How to overcome technical difficulties for better virtual meetings
Many problems with virtual meetings arise from technical difficulties relating to internet connection, and audio and video quality. The most common problems can be solved!
Why not cancel your next virtual meeting?
Real time meetings are touch points for team members: they raise attention levels and focus energy. When I know that I have a meeting next Wednesday and that the team has agreed on some deliverables, this is usually something that has a considerable binding force....