Thought Corner

The development of competence in virtual collaboration emerges in small steps and involves many different areas. Read our blog posts on tools, processes, and facilitation methods.

Chatting in virtual teams is more than talking about football

Chatting in virtual teams is more than talking about football

Informal communication is essential to build trust, which in turn is the basis for good team collaboration. In face-to-face settings this happens naturally as people encounter each other in corridors or go to lunch together. But what about virtual or remote teams? This post explains why information and private communication is important and how to create a space for spontaneous and unplanned encounters and conversations in form of a group chat.

Virtual leadership cannot be delegated

Virtual leadership cannot be delegated

Executives also have to realize that virtual leadership is different! Distributed and virtual work is not face-to-face with new tools. It requires the domination of new technologies and a re-thinking of how work is organized.

Is it time to retire Email?

Is it time to retire Email?

Email – Love it or hate it?! This is the topic of our latest Collaboration Digest. Whatever your position about Email, it will not likely go away. And, rather than trying to rid ourselves of Email, we should examine the way we work and find appropriate (and sometimes new) tools to get work done more efficiently. There are things we can do to improve our handling of Email and there are things we can do at the level of our teams and organizations.

How are YOUR meetings?

How are YOUR meetings?

Have you ever wondered how your meetings would be like if all the things that disturb or could go wrong would happen? Checkout this video, laugh (!) and see if it is far from reality.

Is your workspace suited for collaboration?

Is your workspace suited for collaboration?

This digest is all about our workspaces. What is good for productivity (privacy) is not necessarily food for innovation or the environment. The articles talk about the different arguments for different designs and the question how much physical office do we still need anyway?